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Multiplying impact this month

Writer's picture: OneWayOneWay

Does it ever feel like a struggle to really make an impact for Christ? You build relationships with unbelievers in your neighborhood or at work. You pray for lost family and friends. But progress can be slow, and sometimes you just long to see more fruit.

What if you could MULTIPLY your effort in a way that would allow you to double, triple or exponentially increase your impact?

We want to help you do just that this Giving Tuesday, Nov. 30 — because sometimes we forget the power that the simple act of giving can have.

  • A gift to our Prayercast ministry will help MULTIPLY the number of people who will pray for lost multitudes in the coming year.

  • Donating to our work in Africa and the Middle East will MULTIPLY the impact of national missionaries reaching thousands each year.

  • A gift to our Mission Network News ministry will MULTIPLY the number of informed believers who are inspired to pray, go and take action in the world.

  • Supporting OneWay’s Young Adult ministry will help MULTIPLY the number of young people using their gifts and talents to reach the lost.

And the best part? Not only will your impact be multiplied, your donation will be DOUBLED. Thanks to several generous partners, all gifts to OneWay will be matched up to $100,000 on Giving Tuesday.

You long to make a bigger difference for Christ, but it can be hard to know how. Let us help you MULTIPLY your impact.

For more info, go to

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8


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