Prayercast has one simple purpose: to activate world-changing prayer for the sake of the lost.
We believe, like Andrew Murray did, that "the man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history."
The vision of Prayercast is to use the tools of our day – audio, video, the internet, and other emerging technologies – to create and widely distribute artistic and compelling prayer tools.
Our library of free, brief Prayercast vidoes are used regularly in over 200 nations for personal devotions, in small groups and church gatherings, and as centerpieces for unified prayer during conferences around the world. Prayercast resources are also distributed via Christian radio and television
Our ultimate desire? That God would use Prayercast to help unleash intercession that will have an eternal impact on multitudes around the world. As His people call on Him, may He do what only He can do.

"I praise God for how He is using Prayercast to create inspiring and motivating videos for the Body of Christ to intercede for the nations!"
"I regularly introduce people to Prayercast and have had occasion all over the world to bring people into the absolutely unique worship & prayer experience that every Prayercast is."
"I thank God for Prayercast.com. I am disabled, but on the wings of prayer I go all over the world."