When it’s all said and done, there’s only one thing about a person’s life that matters: did they know Jesus Christ as their Savior?
That’s what OneWay is all about: a simple proactive conviction that God loves all people and wants them to be saved. OneWay exists as a vehicle to help all of us work together to fulfill that mission.
We are a family of media and missions ministries, partnering with churches to bring the gospel to unreached people around the world. Through both modern tools and time-proven methods, we come alongside the Body of Christ in fulfilling her mission to make disciples of all nations.
With joy in Christ!
Michael Thompson
founder and president

How can we work together?
Use our arts-flavored, high quality Prayercast videos and other resources to rally your congregations to pray for, care for and reach the unreached.
Work with us as we train church planters who serve among the unreached in their home countries.
Support one of our projects, which include providing clean water to African villages, translating the Bible onto handheld audio devices and supporting orphans who could otherwise be lost to slavery.
Partner with us through opportunities to serve as interns, volunteers, prayer partners and donors.
Contact us to find out how we can help your church find new ways to reach people around the world!