New Prayercast podcast brings timely news for prayer for Afghanistan and beyond
When the U.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan last summer, the OneWay team began envisioning a way to tell stories from the ground level of what was happening in that country to rally believers to pray.
That vision will come to life this month through an exciting new podcast, OneVoice, which will be produced by OneWay’s Prayercast team. The podcast is an artistic and compelling resource that will rapidly bring information from the field to the ears of believers who can unite in prayer.
OneVoice will start as a limited, eight-episode podcast focused on stories collected from workers and believers on the ground in Afghanistan. The Prayercast team hopes to eventually expand the idea to cover other parts of the world.
“I’m most excited about tearing down the geographical divide between brothers and sisters in the body of Christ,” said Prayercast Director Chris Ruge. “This will allow us to be able to bring friends from all over the world into our environment — or better yet to step into their environment in a very real and personal way, to support and pray with them and love them no matter where in the world we are.”
The episodes will be timely — recorded and produced with a quick turnaround to keep listeners up to date in real time about what is happening and how to pray. Each week’s three-minute episode will close with a prayer for specific issues brought up in the story.
OneVoice’s quick production time gives it a unique and powerful focus for prayer needs.
The podcast will ask those it features, “What are the things that you’re seeing around you today, right now, that are impacting your life and the spiritual climate of your country?” Ruge explained. “How can we pray with you today?”
The Prayercast team hopes that when people hear from brothers and sisters in Afghanistan (or in places very close by), they will be so touched that they will join with and support them and the country in prayer.
OneVoice will launch March 8 and be available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or on the Prayercast website.
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