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OneWay commissions full-time missionaries to Asia

Writer's picture: OneWayOneWay

With a mix of joy and tears, the OneWay team on Monday commissioned a dear couple that will be heading out to serve as full-time missionaries in Central Asia.

This couple, along with their 1-year-old son, will be moving at the end of May to an undisclosed country where more than 50 percent of its people groups are unreached with the gospel. The nation was formerly part of the Soviet Union and had pushed out all foreigners until only a few years ago. The people in this country are predominantly Muslim, reached only by about 50 Christian missionaries.

“God is asking for workers, and you’re an answer to prayer,” said OneWay President Michael Thompson as the team prayed for this young couple. “You must know the great sacrifice is totally worth it. It’s painful to leave, but the fruit is worth it. Jesus is worth it.”

The couple explained how they both were called into missions at a young age. Eleven years ago, Mark* said he decided he would do whatever the Lord called him to do. Not long after making that commitment, he heard about this country in Central Asia, and his heart was stirred for the area that was still closed to foreigners at that time.

Emma* said she went on a study-abroad trip during college and knew then that she was called to work with Muslims.

“We want to love God and love people. That’s our heart in going there, as it is here,” she explained. “We’re going as normal people overseas to do what we’re supposed to do here as well.”

The couple joined OneWay about two years ago to receive mentoring, training and guidance with support raising. Mark has a vision to use media to reach people in that nation, while Emma wants to use her background in counseling to serve women there.

“We all have one life, each and every one of us,” David Morrill, chief operating officer, told the couple. “And I can’t tell you how thrilling it is that you are choosing to give it to the Lord. For all eternity it will be a great investment.”

* names changed for security reasons


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