Get to know the OneWay team! We’re introducing you to interns who are working behind the scenes at OneWay this summer to help Reach People.

Hometown: Yorkville Illinois
School: Homeschooled, 8th grade
OneWay Track: Studios
Craig Spicher is an 8th grader with an amazing talent for video editing and production. He discovered OneWay’s internship program through a Facebook ad and realized he could use his talents to impact lives for Jesus Christ. He is excited to get closer to God and get his first professional work experience through his internship.
As a member of the Studios Team, Craig is helping Prayercast complete its audacious goal of producing 100 videos in 70 days. When he’s not working, Craig loves flying his drone and riding his minibike.
Join us in welcoming Craig to OneWay!
Learn about how Craig is helping reach people at