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God is moving in North Africa!

More than 700 adults, teens and children gathered in September to gain a vision for reaching the Arabic-speaking world as part of the Streams of Living Water Mobilization Conference.

The annual conference brought together believers from across North Africa to focus on this year’s theme from John 12:26: “If anyone serves me, let him follow me.”

With precautionary COVID-19 measures in place, the conference attendees — including 230 teens and 80 young children — began each day at 5 a.m. to worship, pray, celebrate new workers entering the field and be challenged to take up their cross and follow Jesus!

Conference highlights included:

  • Messages delivered by American as well as Streams leaders on topics such as tending Jesus' lambs, moving past failure, the Lordship of Christ, and following Jesus through hardships

  • Testimonies of God’s radical transformation in the lives and future plans of some of the 62 graduates of Streams’ ninth Impact class (a program that trains cross-cultural missionaries)

  • 19 new missionaries commissioned for long-term work in West and North Africa.

  • More than 300 teens and young children taught and challenged about the role missions could play in their lives

The Spirit led many attendees to dedicate their lives completely to Him, and many to start home prayer groups to intercede for front line workers. ​​Many lives were transformed and we pray and trust that He who has begun a good work in them will carry it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ! (Phil. 1:6)


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