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NOREEN'S STORY: This Crazy Step of Faith

Monique Koszty

Noreen’s Story, A Livingstone School of Missions 2018 Graduate

LSM 2018

“For me, ministry makes more sense than an eight-to-five job,” explains Noreen. “My ambition is to serve Him.”

Noreen was born and raised in Kenya, and after completing high school, she started a technical course for journalism and public relations for three years. Eight years later, she began to use her passion for media in ministry.

Noreen remarks that she has been able to use her passion in three different churches in Nairobi, Kenya, to help clean their social media platforms and aid in communications.

“I love the fact that every place where I’ve worked and left, at least I’ve left it with something running,” she says.

In 2017 Noreen connected with OneWay Africa Director Ray Mensah during a training she had in Ghana. She learned about the upcoming 2018 session of OneWay Africa’s Livingstone School of Missions.

“When I went home… I knew this is what I [wanted] to do, like I don’t know how, but this is what I want to do,” she explains.

With tuition paid for by generous donors, she saved up to buy her ticket to Ghana, but daily life expenses began to rise. She found herself financially short. Yet, she still felt called to Ghana and knew that God would provide a way for her to go. When her paycheck came it was just enough for her tithe and the ticket to go to LSM. So, with what she calls “crazy faith” and a plane ticket, Noreen travelled to Ghana.

She says that before coming to LSM she was afraid of what would happen next, but has learned that she is secure in the will of God.

“Don’t be afraid because you have to step out,” she explains. “Not everybody will be a missionary, but when God asks for your will, it has to be a hundred percent.”

This “crazy” step of faith was enabled by the faith of those who gave to LSM in 2018.

Noreen went on to complete a missionary assignment in Lusaka, Zambia and is now in full-time ministry based in Nairobi Kenya. Praise God for using your faithful giving to raise up another harvest worker!

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