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“Help us get more riders on the field”

Jesus Film missionaries press on to reach the unreached

It was after 9 p.m. in northern Ghana when Clement Quaicoe bounced into the clearing on his motorbike, where more than 150 people had trekked from the nearby Komba village to watch The Jesus Film in their heart language.

Missionaries with OneWay Africa show The Jesus Film to people who have never heard the name of Jesus before.

The only artificial light on the cool, clear night came from the projector screen set up in front of the crowd. For some of the villagers, it was the first time they had seen any type of movie and may have been the first time they had even heard the name of Jesus.

Through outreaches like this five nights every week, six Jesus Film Rider missionaries have reached more than 50,200 people in 2023 alone with the story of the life of Jesus. By God’s grace, 6,800 have responded in faith to Christ!

This is one of OneWay Africa’s most strategic initiatives to bring the gospel to people in Ghana who are the hardest to reach not only because of their strong animistic or Islamic beliefs but also because of the sheer remoteness of their homes deep in the bush.

Although their ministry is incredibly effective, the Jesus Film riders have an impossible task set before them. Ghana has 19 people groups who are considered unreached with the gospel — more than six men can possibly cover.

Jesus Film Riders Afrifa and Cyrus head out for the field after a refreshing time with the OneWay Africa team.
We thank you for the support,” says rider Dela Kuadugah in a candid message to ministry partners. “But we need more. We need more because the laborers are few and the harvest is still plenteous. Help us to get more riders on the field by the grace of God."

Ghana continues to be blessed with peace amid growing instability in surrounding nations. Would you prayerfully join OneWay Africa’s call to equip and support four more missionaries for long-term ministry during this critical time?

It costs $6,000 to put one Jesus Film rider on the field for one year of gospel work. Your investment between now and Giving Tuesday will make a strategic impact in 2024.

​Your investment will help grow God's Kingdom

Goal: Put four new Jesus Film riders on the field full-time

Total cost: $24,000

How can you help?: Provide part or all of the $500 a month to mobilize a Jesus Film rider to help share the gospel with multitudes of unreached


Will you help us reach our goal of raising $200,000 between now and Giving Tuesday to activate key initiatives for 2024?


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