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ONEWAY AFRICA: New Headquarters Dedicated in Ghana

Ray Mensah's vision is for the The Philip Centre to be a catalyst for missions in Africa

“Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’” Acts 8:26

Livingstone School of Missions graduate Yesutor G.

While on this road, Philip met an Ethiopian eunuch struggling to understand a passage from Isaiah 53. He became the first person to reach out to an African with the gospel. In honor of this first outreach, OneWay Africa has named their new building The Philip Centre. It was dedicated on June 1st.

“We believe strongly,” says OneWay Africa Director Ray Mensah, “that from this center, many African missionaries will be equipped and deployed to the unreached and the nations.”

Rev JFK Mensah served as the guest speaker for the occassion. His timely message brought great conviction to the audience.

In addition to serving as an equipping center, this building will also serve in many other capacities. It will serve as an office for the staff as they help support field workers and it will serve as and the training facility for OneWay Africa's annual Livingstone School of Missions (LSM).

Some residential rooms at the center are named after countries like Afghanistan, with a high number of unreached people groups.

LSM graduate Eleonora praising the Lord for the Philip Center.

The Prayercast/World Missions Prayer Room is a space created to activate world-changing prayer. Yet another room was given to the Ghana Evangelical Missions Association (GEMA) as their head office to serve the missions community in Ghana.

Thank you to all those who have come alongside us financially and prayerfully to help make The Philip Centre a reality. May God continue to reach the people of Africa through this center just as he used Philip to reach the Ethiopian eunuch.

The amazing OneWay Africa Team that was present.


OneWay Africa
OneWay Africa

The Philip Centre has remained a blessing to the OneWay Africa Ministry and the whole of the Ghanaian missions fraternity and beyond. LSM is grateful with other activation training... Serving as the head office for GEMA has impacted hundreds of lives, and we continue praising God for this Centre. Please find out more fron the google reviews,1,,,

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