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video production



This summer, I have the opportunity once again to intern at OneWay Ministries, a missions and media ministry in the Chicago area. This is my third year with OneWay. I’m glad God has brought me back here again and am so excited to serve Him!

I was struggling with whether I should come back to OneWay after I graduated, because I have always wanted to make films. But God showed me clearly that it is hard to stay with Him if I choose that path. I’m not ready spiritually to dig in the world of filmmaking. For now, OneWay is the perfect place for me to grow spiritually and serve God in what I’m strong in, which is editing video.

I’m more than glad that God led me back here. He knows me better than I know myself and He knew I would be truly happy doing work at OneWay. 
He has opened my eyes to all the nations who desperately need to know Jesus. 

There is so much suffering and sadness on this earth. It’s hard to see when I live in a perfect place, and that’s the reason I love OneWay so much. The team here really cares about saving people’s souls. 

I will be working at OneWay for at least a year, not only for a summer internship. I'm incredibly excited about how God is going to use this year to teach me and grow me. There is nothing more important than building His kingdom. 

As Jesus said in Matthew 9:37 to His disciples, ”The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” I’m more than willing to be a worker, be part of the few. That’s the only way to bring joy in life.

Would you prayerfully consider helping me reach my ministry year’s financial goals? Please pray for God to use my video work in amazing ways to lead people in praying for the world.



Work with OneWay Studios to create Prayercast videos to rally millions around the world to pray for the lost.


Grow in my skills as a videographer, video editor and producer as I work alongside a team that is producing media to bring multitudes to Christ.


Build relationships as part of a young adult team that lives together in community housing. I'll attend retreats, staff lunches and worship with the ministry team.


Grow spiritually through group teaching times, individual mentorship, small group discipleship, corporate prayer and worship events.



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Would you prayerfully consider becoming a prayer partner and financial supporter of Zoe's ministry at OneWay? Your gift will help her raise the funding she needs to pursue Kingdom-advancing work this summer.

By check: Mail a check payable to OneWay Ministries to OneWay Ministries at PO Box 2211 Naperville, IL 60567.

Attach a note to your check designating it Zoe Yu's internship.

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