Get to know the OneWay team! This week we'd like to introduce you to one of the people working behind the scenes at OneWay to help Reach People.

Few things excite Margaret Ereneta more than incredible stories of God working in someone’s life. She is the producer and a driving force behind OneWay’s new podcast, One80, which tells stories of transformation geared toward GenZ listeners.
“I do everything behind the scenes for the One80 podcast that features testimonies of people from all different ages and experiences,” Margaret says. She joined OneWay’s staff in 2020, but she and her husband, Fernando, were fans of OneWay long before then.
“When God gave me a new assignment to start a testimonies podcast, it was natural to talk to OneWay,” Margaret says. “They do a stellar job of media, missions, evangelism and reaching young people, so they are a great fit.”
Margaret also writes with the communications team about amazing things happening at OneWay. “It's so exciting to see the hand of God all over OneWay, like when Streams did an outreach in South Sudan and saw over 14,000 decisions for Christ in three weeks. If you wanna be encouraged big time, read OneWay's annual report. You might just cry!”

Margaret has stories of her own she could tell. She and her family have visited 25 of the 63 US national parks, and she loves helping people plan similar national park trips.
When Margaret isn’t hunting down testimonies for One80, you can find her begging her five GenZ kids to play Mahjong.
If you have a testimony you’d like to share, please share it with Margaret! The One80 team is always looking for stories. Email Margaret at