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Sponsor a Project


Is your mission team, VBS or children’s ministry looking for a project to sponsor this year? Team up with OneWay to help provide clean water to a village in Africa, supply audio Bibles to unreached people or support orphans rescued from slavery.




We compassionately help to meet one of the most significant physical needs facing those in northern Ghana: access to clean water. In the process, we have seen doors for effective ministry swing wide open. For only $35, provide clean water to a large family for 3-5 years.



The BiblePlus+ is a durable, handheld audio player powered by the sun. With content recorded on location, it is packed with Scriptures, testimonies, worship songs and community health information – all in the local language. Provide a BiblePlus+ unit to an entire village for only $25.


The orphanage cares for 48 girls rescued from the ravages of a war-torn nation and the risks of being trafficked. With the help of faithful partners, the House of Hope staff loves and nourishes these young lives through food, housing, education and discipleship. Help sponsor a child with a gift of any amount.


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