I entered school planning to study music and become a music therapist, the only career I saw for myself. But through ministry opportunities—worship teams, service trips, Bible studies—I developed a passion for serving God’s people. The more I sought Him, the more I realized I wanted God to make the plan for me, using my gifts for His purposes.
My freshman year of college, the Lord blessed me with a community of believers who were on fire for God and passionate about sharing the good news. The Lord began stirring in my heart, giving me a deep desire to reach and disciple my peers. I seriously asked God how He could use me after graduation, even if it didn’t align with my original plans. This led me to intern at OneWay Ministries, working on administrative tasks for Prayercast and the Young Adults team.
A team of strong Christian mentors encouraged me and helped me identify my God-given skills. I saw how my love for administration and community could be used by God to advance His kingdom.
I realized God was calling me to pursue full-time ministry and help young adults do the same. As Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37). I feel called to help young adults answer, “Here am I. Send me!” and discover how they can use their gifts — whether in ministry, missions, or the marketplace — for God’s glory.
The Lord has now called me back to OneWay Ministries to serve as young adults program director. In this role, I will work with high school and college-aged individuals during a crucial time in their lives, helping them discern how God can use their gifts for His kingdom. I’m in awe that God has provided me with a role that combines my passion for young adults, administration, hospitality, and discipling His people.
Will you prayerfully consider partnering with me as I follow God’s call to equip and empower His people?
Provide discipleship and ministry internships to young adults to help inspire and equip them to live lives fully committed to the advancement of the gospel among the nations.
Recruit, onboard, and care for interns by providing streamlined processes, intentional programming, and well-maintained housing that supports their personal and spiritual development.
Empower and mobilize young adults by placing them in impactful roles with clear goals, supported by intentional programming and mentorship.
Inspire spiritual transformation and community by fostering a Christ-centered environment through a vibrant discipleship program, meaningful relationships, and housing.
Would you be willing to pray for me and for OneWay? If you feel led to become a financial supporter of my ministry with a monthly or special gift, here are a couple avenues:
By check: Mail a check payable to OneWay Ministries to OneWay Ministries at PO Box 2211 Naperville, IL 60567.
Attach a note to your check designating it Val Feyen Support.