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Life-changing introductions

An American reflects on a typical night for a Jesus Film Rider

OneWay writer and Africa advocate, Kate Sperry, shares her reflection on seeing OneWay's Jesus Film Riders work up close:

A glimmer of light caught my eye as I strained to see through the darkness of an African night. Our fearless guide — a Jesus Film Rider — circled back to our car, and was waving his arms to ensure we could still see him on his motorbike. He led the way to a village eagerly awaiting his arrival and the treasure he carried. For him, it was another night of ministry, but for the Americans who bounced along behind him, it was anything but ordinary.

The tall grasses that once stood a safe distance back were now swallowing up the road, which had become nothing more than a beaten path as we climbed deeper into “the bush.” Finally, the reverberating beat of drums signaled to me that we were close. The grass that once threatened to swallow us suddenly retreated and the headlights of our vehicle splashed on a group of people dancing to the lively music of drums. 

The Jesus Film Rider, Clement, disappeared into the crowd, leaving us to wonder at the scene in front of us, just as the crowd wondered at us. There was no way to communicate other than a wave of the hand which some eagerly and others cautiously returned. It felt as though a chasm lay between us, one that words could not bridge.

Clement emerged from the sea of dancing people to tell us that The Jesus Film we had come to show was having technical difficulties. While he went to fix it, the small crowd that surrounded us before became larger and larger. We wondered how we would capture their attention with the treasure that truly mattered.

Just then, the music stopped and a picture flashed onto a screen Clement had set up. Turning their heads, the people saw a man — a man many had never even heard the name of. This man was hanging from a cross. The people gathered around this unfamiliar picture and with the help of a translator, Clement introduced the great Treasure hanging before them. He introduced to them this man named Jesus. 

As we listened to Clement’s passionate preaching, we marveled at the attention his story commanded. Jesus, once a stranger to them, was becoming more familiar. Clement closed with the invitation to begin a personal relationship with this humble, sacrificially loving man. 

Suddenly, hands raised in the glow of the screen, signaling their desire to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives! What an incredible scene I was witnessing! My rejoicing heart joined the angels in heaven as I took it all in.

After praying and making arrangements for those who confessed faith to be discipled, the Jesus Film Rider turned the people’s attention back to the odd strangers still behind them and continued with his introductions. As he explained where we were from, he remarked that we had come all the way from America to share God’s love with them. And that we had.

He invited the crowd to draw near, and the distance that existed when we arrived completely evaporated. What felt like hundreds of hands surged toward us as we tried desperately to hold each one. Overwhelmed, I felt I had no words to say. But as we climbed back in the car, I impulsively shouted, “Jesus loves you!”, knowing they might not be able to understand the phrase but hoping the name of Jesus, this new friend and Savior, would rest deeply in their hearts forever.


It’s been almost a year since that unforgettable night. 

I will forever recall it to mind with such vividness and hold it in my heart with such tenderness. 

I remember laying in the African dirt that night looking up at the unpolluted sky with its crystal-clear stars and marveling at how deeply the Creator of the moon and stars cares for mankind. He showed us that love ultimately through His Son, who died on our behalf. And He has commissioned us to carry this great, undeserved love to the ends of the earth.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Matthew 28:19

What a joy it was to witness how the Jesus Film Riders do just that! It is my prayer and my hope that EVERYONE they encounter will welcome Jesus into their hearts, not as a distant stranger, but as a close and personal Savior.


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