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Gifts in a Will

Planned Giving Made Simple

When you give a gift (also known as a “bequest”) to OneWay Ministries in your will or trust, you model to your loved ones a legacy of generosity. You also help ensure that OneWay Ministries will continue to make a difference well beyond your lifetime.

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Benefits of Gifts in a Will

  • Legacy. Extend the impact of your generosity well beyond your lifetime.

  • Availability. Retain access to your God-given resources for the remainder of your lifetime, or for as long as you need them.

  • Capacity. You can potentially make the largest gift you’ll ever have the ability to give.

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Get in touch

We'd love to help you identify smart and powerful solutions that fit your goals and situation.

Phone: 630-626-4990.


Thank you for partnering with us to reach people together!



Friends of our had hoped to leave a significant portion of their estate to an organization they loved, but inadequate estate planning allowed a distant relative to take control of their assets and their wishes were not honored. Please, don’t let this happen to you or your family. 

More Types of Planned Gifts

Stocks, Real Estate, Other Assets

Donate stock or mutual funds and potentially avoid paying capital gains taxes.

Gifts From Your IRA

Use your IRA to make tax-free gifts that benefit you and reach people.

Gifts in a Will

Leave a legacy of reaching people by including OneWay Ministries in your will.

Gifts That Pay You Income

Givie assets while earning income or deferring distributions to a later date.

Donor-Advised Fund

Easily recommend grants to OneWay Ministries for tax-efficient giving.

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